Birch Polypore (Fomitopsis betulina)

Yellowfoot / Winter Chanterelles (Craterellus tubaeformis)

Late Fall Oyster Mushroom

Foraging Wild Reishi Mushhrooms ( Ganoderma tsugae)
Reishi Mushroom is an excellent herbal mushroom in the forest.

Foraging and Cooking Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms
Foraging Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms

Foraging Beefsteak Fungus Mushrooms
Foraging the famous Beefsteak Fungus! This is the one of the few mushrooms you can eat raw.

Wild Ramps - Identifying, Foraging and Cooking Recipes
Ramps are one of most delicious and smelliest wild edibles in the spring. I’ll show you how to Sustainably harvest and identify wild leeks.

How Mushrooms can Clean up the Ohio Train Derailment!

Ghost Pipe Flowers and Pine Sap
Ghost Pipe Flowers are a very interesting flower that doesn’t contain chlorophyll. There is a red colored relative called Pine Sap.

Black Staining Polypore and Berkeley’s Polypore
Foraging Black Staining Polypore and Berkley’s Polypore Mushrooms. Identification and Pulled Pork Recipe

Foraging Wild Lion's Mane Mushroom
Foraging and Identifying Lion’s Mane Mushroom in the Forest.
Lion’s mane vs Bears Head Tooth mushroom

Foraging Indigo Milk Cap Mushrooms
Foraging the Elusive and Colorful Indigo Milk Cap (Lactarius indigo)

5 Mushrooms You Can Find This Winter!
Here are Five Winter Mushrooms that you can Forage this Winter. Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, Wood Ear, Late Fall Oyster, Amber Jelly Roll